My grandfather is a great person and I have always learnt a lot from him. He has been a role model for almost four generations – a fatherly figure for the younger siblings whom he supported all along, and a super dad for eight grandchildren. He is Akhtar Sultan, a retired SSG Commander, who has to his credit many acts of valor, accomplishments of operations, and gallantry awards of recognition. True to his name Akhtar Sultan, my grandad is really a ‘king of the stars’. He is so brave but humble, and so strong but kind. He is like a lighthouse; his being amongst is a blessing for us all.
Like himself, he has hobbies very unique and amazing as well; he keeps as pet many birds and fishes; he collects bottles and tools; he plays golf and does gardening; and a lot many other things. Like a true commando he has been, he continues to be a restless man still.
A Gardener
My grandfather is a thorough gardener; collecting succulents of different kinds is one of his hobbies. He has gathered different kinds of plants like cactus, snake plants, money plants and many more. His knowledge regarding plants is amazing; he knows exactly which plant needs for its healthy growth. He has one of such plants, called ‘Cassia Nodosa’ with pink and white flowers; it grows to be just like an umbrella. The way he describes the plant and its sprouting is just breath-taking. He has many fruit trees too – like lemons, apples, oranges and more; I really like it because we get any fruits we want from our garden.
A Pet Lover
My grandfather has many pets, especially birds. Let’s talk about parrots – my most favorite. He has a pair of African grey parrots named Rio and Danu. Both are very intelligent, and talk just like we do. The four other parrots with pointed red beaks have beautiful shades of green in feathers. The famous Conures is another breed of birds. The Sulphur-breasted Budgerigars is also a beautiful breed. My grandad has an incubator for the eggs of these birds to hatch. He has many types of fishes in his house too including Dwarf Lantern Shark, Gold Fish, Betta Fish, Rainbow Fish and many others along with some decorative stuff inside his aquarium as well.
A Tool Collector
My grandfather has a huge collection of tools as he has a room full of all types of equipment or tools one needs for various kinds of uses. He loves to do his own engineering using either the electronic or manual tools. He likes to fix everything himself. For example, he likes to fix the toaster, microwave, fridge, or trolley. He is also like an architect as he designed his village, and a few more places, without even studying architecture.
A Golfer
My grandfather has a passion of playing golf. Even he plays twice a day, in the morning as well as in the evening. He has his flight of four people in the morning or in the evening, which includes mostly his old friends. He is really a very good player and is pretty good at hitting the ball into the hole on a course in as few strokes as possible.
A Traveler & Scaler
The most thrilling part is that he is an adventurous person. He loves to scale the heights and ascend the mountains. He is a good traveler too, who has travelled almost all the world around. He has taught us how to scale. He took us to the World’s highest and Asia’s longest sip line” near Naran, in the Kaghan Valley.
I would describe him as a brave, bold and adventurous person having a calm, joyful and humble personality, who takes care of everyone. His friends love and respect him because of his personality, character, plain speaking, loyalty and integrity. Someone has rightly said: “Grandparents hold our hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever.”