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Sunday, February 9, 2025 10:17
Editor’s Note Happy New Year 2024: New Year Resolutions for Students, Children & Youth Together is Better Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Revolution, Students & Studies: Harnessing AI, Social Media & E-Learning Population, Environment, Water: Tackling the Triple Threat Muslims and their Festive Delights “Adventures of the Crescent” : The Wonders of Islamic World Hazrat Umar (RA) A Timeless Role Model Childhood under Siege in IIOJK Broken Crayons and Shattered Dreams Rising from the Ashes Kashmir’s History in Brief Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan A Kashmiri Mother’s Letter to Her Soncc Kashmir: Plight of Children Beginning A New Best Way to Prepare for Exams Almonds: The Nutrient-Rich Treasure Protecting the Environment Save Water, Save Life Read to Lead Pain of Palestinian Kids A Child’s Cry The Magic in New Beginnings! New Year, New You Welcome 2025! New Year’s Resolution A Yearof Hope Helping the Poor in Winter My Role Model: My Grandad The Famous Banu Musa Brothers ‘Magic School AI’ Friendships Online The Magical Paintbrush How to Save Humans and Animals Turning Space into Trash Through the Haze TILAWAT AND NAMAZ -- A GUIDING FORCE Shining Stars Hope -- The Two Sides of Light The Long Unnoticed Kashmir Struggle: The Plight of Kashmiri Children and Youth The Story of Kashmir Day Brave Girls of Kashmir Saving Kids from Smog:Understanding the Hazards of Pollution Rose Plant’s Regret Sabit bin Qura -- The Brilliant Mind of Golden Age Arfa Karim -- A Force of Nature The Amazing Science of Prisms FACTS ABOUT THE SPEED OF LIGHT The Habit of Judging Others Walking Grapes Blood of the Brave Shining Stars

Anoosh Mubashar


Hilal Kids English

Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan A Kashmiri Mother’s Letter to Her Soncc

February 2024

“My Son!
I don’t know if you will really receive this letter; I am not sure this will reach you safely. The area where I live is surrounded, and cordoned off, by brute Indian forces. The fanatic goons of RSS are rampaging the streets of Srinagar, or elsewhere in the Occupied Valley. 
    I am sorry, my son, I had to abandon you at a very early age of yours. I left you at a secure place with one of my family members, for the sake of your safety. My heart says you are alive, in safe hands. I pray you live long and become a part of the generation that finishes the job we are leaving half done. 
    Keep this in mind, my son, a Kashmiri never accepts defeat – ever. I wish you live longer, grow older and stronger. So that you may carry the flame on – the flame of freedom and independence. I am sure the dark of night shall die soon. It is you and your fellow youth who are to keep the flame burning, get going with struggle, and ultimately free the Occupied Jammu & Kashmir from Indian yoke. 
My son!
You have to keep in mind why we fight and why we protest, why we shouldn’t let these cruel cowards control us, and why we don’t surrender when it is the easiest way out to avoid casualties? The answer is, you should never forget our sufferings at the hands of Indian barbarians. You need to keep in mind the supreme sacrifices our forefathers and their families rendered not only during the Pakistan Independence Movement, but also in the ongoing struggle for freedom. 
    Remember, my son, a Muslim doesn’t surrender, and a Kashmiri never bows to anyone, except Allah Almighty. 
    It is painful to tell you that your father and his mother were brutally murdered in front of our eyes. His father had already embraced martyrdom. My two sons and daughter – your elder brothers and sister – were taken away by Indian savages. They never returned. I hid you from them, and then secretly managed to hand you to the one whom I now owe. 
    These sufferings at the hands of Indian occupation forces, is now a gory story of agony, tyranny and repression. We are not to forget, and never to forgive. We are not to give in, never to give up. You are the hope, the only hope. You and your fellow youth are to take the struggle to its logical end. I may die, but the flame of freedom we have lit shall never extinguish. 
    Keep in mind, my son, what are we fighting for? Freedom is our birth right. With freedom is linked our right to live, right to speak, right to express, right to justice – and everything. With freedom are attached our basic human rights. Fighting on means our struggle never dies; we will not give up until and unless we achieve our goal – sooner God willing. We fight, we die. No, we don’t die. We become martyrs. And martyrs are not dead.
Dear Son! 
Pakistan and the people of Pakistan have supported us all the way long. They have truly shown that they really feel our pain. This gives me a hope that we are not alone. The people and Armed Forces of Pakistan are at our back. But I dismay at the apathy meted out to us by the world at large. They have not done much to mobilize the United Nations or put pressure on India to adhere to the Security Council Resolutions that guarantee our right to self-determination and call upon India to hold plebiscite – free and fair. 
    Have faith in Allah. Remember that your family didn’t die in vain. Don’t think you have lost them. They’re there, above, watching you, praying for you and the country. The cowards would face punishment, one day. They will rot in hell. 
    Keep your chin up, my son. Raise the head high. Groom yourself fair and free. Build a character that others may follow. Never tell a lie. Offer prayers five times a day. Study hard, work hard and try to adopt a good career. And pool in your efforts for the cause of freedom. Remember that your parents and siblings fought for the cause. Remember that you have to fulfil that dream. “Kashmir banay ga Pakistan”.
    May Allah save you from every odd.
Your mother”

Anoosh Mubashar
