Choosing the right foundation for your skin tone doesn’t only depend on what foundation matches your skin tone. Our skin has different undertones, commonly known as warm, cool and neutral undertones. Usually women with a fairer complexion have cooler undertones but it is completely possible for women with a darker skin tone to have cooler undertones as well. The prevalent concept about only fair women having cool undertones and darker women having warm undertones is completely false.
Undertones help determine not only the right foundations for us but also help in choosing what blusher shades will flatter you the most, it even helps determine what lipstick shades will look best on you. Let me put it this way, not every nude brown lipstick will look good on you but the one created to match your undertones will most definitely help you look even more beautiful. No need to fuss. There are plenty of ways to identify your undertones.
Checking by veins:
Have a look at your forearms and try to figure out the color of your veins. If your veins appear green you are most likely to have warm undertones, if they appear blue then you probably have cool undertones but if you have teal colored veins, you’re most likely to have a neutral undertone. Teal colored veins are those that are a mixture of blue and green veins. Keep in mind green veins don’t mean that you actually have green veins. It’s the yellow, brown skin tone that changes their color and makes them appear as green. Hence, a warm undertone.
Checking by Jewelry:
Put a silver bracelet/bangle on one arm and a golden on the other arm. Which one of the two complements your skin tone best? Note that you are to tell which color completes your skin tone best, not which bracelet looks better! Try to keep your personal preference out of your judgment. If the golden bracelet complements your skin tone more then you are more likely to have warm undertones; if silver, then you probably have cool undertones and if both compliment your skin tone than you’re most probably lucky with neutral undertones.
Checking by sun exposure:
When you go out in the sun, if your skin burns and you turn red like a tomato, you’re most likely to have a cool undertones but if you achieve a sun kissed brown tone then you probably have a warm undertone.
How to choose foundation based on your results?
Cool tone: You should gravitate towards foundations that appear pinker in the bottle. Usually companies will have labeled foundations for cooler undertones as ‘’C’’. Generally, shades named as shell or tan will be foundations for cooler undertones.
Warm tone: Foundations that appear yellow in the bottle are usually warm toned. You will find a ‘’W’’ written on them but not all companies do this so look for shades named as warm beige, honey or golden.
Neutral tone: Foundations that don’t appear too yellow or too pink in the bottle are what you’re looking for. Look for shades in middle of warm and cool tones. These shades are usually labeled as ‘’N’’ on the bottle.
More often than not, most companies have lesser neutral shades; in that case choose foundations with slightly warmer tones. They will suit you better.
The right blusher:
As most beauty experts believe, you should use a blusher opposite to your skin tone. Therefore, it will show up more and pop, unless you’re looking for a very subtle makeup.
Cool tone: Apply more peachy and orange blushers. Avoid more pink or purple toned blushes.
Warm tone: Opt for more pinker and mauve blushes and avoid peach or orange blushers as they will appear unnoticeable on your already warm skin tone.
Neutral tone: Women with neutral undertones are fortunate in this matter as they can pull off any blusher shade without looking like a makeup disaster.
The right lipstick:
Cool tone: All shades with blue or purple undertones will flatter you best. Go towards such shades and avoid very light shades. They may end up giving you a ghost, washed out look.
Warm tones: Warm lipstick shades complement warm undertones the most. Opt for more orangey or red colors.
Neutral tones: The lucky ones! Most colors will look good on you, regardless of the undertone of that lipstick. Most nude, pinks, orange and red shades will flatter you.HH
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